Pour Michaela Bauks, le point crucial du récit de Gn 22 demandant le sacrifice du propre fils, porteur de la promesse annoncée à Abraham trouve son dénouement d’une certaine manière lorsqu’on resitue cette demande dans une réflexion autour de l’altérité de Dieu vis-à-vis de sa créature.
This article suggests that the crucial point of the story of Gn 22 is the fact that on the one hand Abraham is faced with the command to sacrifice his son, and that on the other hand the son is the object of the promesse announced to Abraham. This dilemma can be dissolved by understanding the command to sacrifice the son on the base of God’s Being different in relation to his creature. Thus, the religious practice of child sacrifice is the most dramatic expression of the dependance of human being to his creator.
p. 529-542
BAUKS Michaela
Michaela BAUKS est professeur d'histoire de l'Ancien Testament et de religion à l'université de Coblence (Allemagne)..