Abstracts numero 2021/3

Articles varia

  • - Pour une histoire buissonnière du protestantisme
  • For a « truant » history of Protestantism

    This reflective stroll attempts to take into account the evolutions that have marked the historiography of Protestantism at different levels: the most general one, induced for almost a century by the Annales school, has led to a shift from “narrative history” to “problem history”; the emic/etic distinction has made it possible to become aware of the different types of interactions at work in the relationship that the historian establishes with his or her object of research; the effects of ecumenism and the secular approach to religious phenomena have led to a shift from the “history of the Church” to the “history of Christianity”; more recently, computer technology has profoundly changed researchers’ methods. These evolutions invite us to rethink, in a second part, our practice of religious history and to question the evidence of notions such as that of “Protestantism”. In a third, more allusive part, we imagine what a “truant history” of Protestantism could be where the sources would not be only, or not primarily, religious.

  • - Pour débattre laïquement de la loi de Dieu
  • For a secular debate on the law of God

    In face of religious extremisms which claim to embody “the law of God”, secular democracies are often confused, because they have made the decision to relegate theological discourses to the private sphere. As a result, they are not in a position to enter a debate on this and prove unable to respond. Yet it is always dangerous to have nothing to say on the opponent’s level, level which he considers fundamental. However, it would be possible for democracies to join the fray without renouncing their secularism. This text aims to show how, working out a line of thought with the idea of God, considered as a hypothesis but with rigour.

  • - Penser Dieu laïquement ? Contrepoint à l’article de Marc-André Freudiger
  • Thinking God in a secular way? Counterpoint to Marc-André Freudiger’s article

    Reading the article by Marc-André Freudiger published in this same issue, the author proposes some reflection on the following points: the complex relations between religion and secularism, the notion of a secular God conceived as an idea, and the motive of natural theology redeployed. The notion of a secular idea of God is both approved as innovative in the field of theoretical reflection and questioned from the point of view of its practical implementation in the current context of confrontation between strict secularism and religious fanaticism.

  • - Que croire ? Aperçu sur « la religion » d’une catholique et d’une juive en France au tournant du XXIe siècle
  • What to believe? An overview of the “religion” of a Catholic and a Jew in France at the turn of the 21st century

    On the principle that religion is to be found where it is practised and on the basis of two cases, a Catholic and a Jew, the article intends to show the practical and intellectual consistency of being Catholic or Jew for these two women – i.e. the premises their religion stands upon and the limits it confronts. As the first case focuses on the matter of personal faith, the second, far from any matter of faith, shows the strength of dogma as a founding narrative for identity.

  • - Penser l’intersubjectivité. Une lecture du livre VIII du De Trinitate d’Augustin
  • Thinking intersubjectivity. A reading of Book VIII of Augustine’s De trinitate

    A critical tradition, notably illustrated by Anders Nygren, Hannah Arendt or, more recently, Martha C. Nussbaum, considers that the Augustinian doctrine of love tends to favour the love of God at the expense of the love due to neighbour. This article intends to question this tradition by offering a reading of an extract from Book VIII of Augustine’s De Trinitate. However, a rigorous reading of this text, which relies on the resources of philological criticism and the contextualization of the extract, shows that Augustine, far from neglecting the love due to the neighbour, thinks of the human other as an essential dimension of the trinity of love.

  • - Inconscient, langage et symbolisme chez Henri Bois. II. Symbolisme et phénoménisme
  • Subconscious, language and symbolism in Henri Bois. II. Symbolism and phenomenism

    This article gives an overview of the symbolism in Henri Bois. It proposes a rapid comparison with the symbolism of the Kantian Auguste Sabatier. A definition of ideas, different to Kant’s, leads to a different definition of symbols, more universal. For Bois, everything is language, meaning everything is phenomenon or representation of phenomenon. Beliefs and theology are less the symbols of the transcendent than the translation of knowledge of religious phenomena. In the face of Sabatier’s Kantian symbolism, Bois proposes phenomenistic symbolism. In theology, it takes the form of psychomorphism.


Notes et chroniques

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