Articles varia
- GOUNELLE Jean-François - Huldrich Zwingli. Défense appelée Archétélès (1522)
- ZWINGLI Huldrych - Défense appelée Archétélès. En réponse à l’Admonestation que le très révérend évêque de Constance (sous l’influence d’une petite faction violente) a envoyée à l’assemblée, nommée chapitre, de la cathédrale de Zurich
- LIENHARD Fritz - Pratique de l’altérité religieuse
- LHERMELIN-MONÉ Violaine - La charité aujourd’hui : pertinence d’une déclosion. Lecture de Jean-Luc Nancy
This is a French translation of the Defence called Archétélès published by Huldrich Zwingli in 1522. In May 1522, the progression of the reformative movements worried the bishop of Constance, who addressed an Admonestation to Zurich. Zwingli answered in August, quoting the entire text of this Admonestation and replying to each point. Over and above uncompromising criticism of the abuses of the ecclesial institution, Archétélès gauges the distance between the traditional catholic approach and the reform movement towards biblical exegesis, the authority of the Scriptures, the relationship to tradition and the ecclesial institution.
Starting with the practice of interreligious groups, this article first presents the classical positions on interreligious dialogue showing its advantages and limitations. It focuses on comparative theology and the corresponding method. This position leads to a positive evaluation of syncretism, provided it is structured. Finally, the notion of idolatry, designating a distorted relationship to God, but also a refusal of finitude and a dynamic of exclusion, makes it possible to adopt criteria in the reception, criticism and transformation of motives and practices from different religions.
Going through the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, the author points out how the philosophical deconstruction of the notion of charity, heart of the Christian discourse, produces an effect of declosion of the sense. Far from being reduced to a presriptive and normalising ethos of action, charity is to be reinterpreted as an exposure to alterity, a moving-towards, an existence in the opening of a relationship. Incalculable value, charity calls for the reorganisation of the thought of the common around the founding point of breakaway by its withdrawal.
Notules et Péricopes
- REYMOND Bernard - Zwingli : de la messe de 1506 à la cène de 1525… et au-delà
Zwingli’s conception of the Last Supper was closely linked to his priestly experience as parish priest of Glaris in 1506. This emerges very clearly from his reforming theses and commentary of 1523. His manner of celebrating the Last Supper in Zurich in 1525 can be seen as a concrete expression of his reflection on the subject. It then influenced the reformed take of this celebration.
Position de thèse
- BACCUET Christian - Le ministère, nœud gordien de l’œcuménisme ? La question des ministères dans les dialogues théologiques internationaux entre les Églises luthériennes et réformées et l’Église catholique
For fifty years, the Lutheran and Reformed Churches have been engaged in dialogue at the international level with the Roman Catholic Church on the question of ministry. Beyond convergences, legitimate differences and strong divergences, ministry reveals fundamental ecclesiological issues. In spite of a certain amount of deadlock, moving forward to a mutual recognition of ministries still remains possible.