Articles varia
- MARGUERAT Daniel - Le silence sur la mort de Paul dans les Actes des apôtres
- KAUFMANN Thomas - Comment écrit-on une histoire de la Réforme ? Réflexions historiographiques et théologiques
- BORELLO Céline - Les premières évangélisations protestantes des îles des Mers du Sud au prisme des récits de voyage et des sermons anglais de la fin du XVIIIe siècle
- MATHOT Benoit - Kitsch religieux et dynamique de la foi
- HALTER Didier - Penser l’Église comme projet ? Une réflexion méthodologique en théologie pratique
Daniel Marguerat explores the mystery of the Book of Acts’ ending. Why hasn’t Luke described the death of his hero, Paul, when passages in the narrative forebode a dramatic end ? The investigation is at once historical, literary and theological. Historical: it does seem that Luke did not want to report the troubling circumstances of Paul’s martyrdom. Literary: ending a story by not telling what it foretells is an ancient narrative device. Theological: the author of Acts chose to end on a scenario that appropriately coordinates a transfer from narrative world to reader’s world.
Thomas Kaufman, a leading historian of the Protestant Reformation, presents here an overview of his understanding of the Reformation in the light of the upcoming 2017 celebrations. After presenting some of the main themes of the Reformation, he shares some ideas about contemporary issues touching upon the Protestant identity, especially the notion of universal priesthood and the European dimension of Protestantism.
On March 5th 1797, in Tahiti, about thirty missionaries of the London Missionary Society (established in 1795) disembark from the Duff. Through the study of sermons pronounced at the time of the creation of the LMS, the present article analyzes how the spreading of various forms of profane writings fed the idea of mission in men of the English Revival, who could then express the feeling that, with this island of the South Pacific, they had found the perfect place to, according to the word of William Carey, « attempt great things for God ».
Kitsch was defined by Milan Kundera as « categorical agreement with being ». In this contribution, Benoît Mathot explores the genealogy of kitsch with the help of the Austrian playwright and essayist Hermann Broch. He then explores the philosophical implications of this notion for Kundera, and finally examines how kitsch may contribute to a clarification of the current religious situation, as described with the help of the philosopher Slavoj Žižek. This critical exploration of kitsch allows the author to suggest some elements of what would be a Christian dynamics of faith.
The concept of project constitutes the common point (whether aknowledged or implicit) of many recent Protestant ecclesiological reflections. Reflections in the field of social anthropology and the sciences of education around this concept allow to specify how this concept is also theologically relevant. This theological reading of this concept highlights various methodological criteria of evaluation of the current ecclesiological reflections.
Position de thèse
- SINGER Christophe - Justes, justice, justification. Harmoniques pauliniennes dans l’Évangile de Luc
Recent literary approaches of Acts as particular reception of pauline heritage gives opportunity to re-open the question of theological connexions between « Luke » and « Paul ». Examination of the narrative deployment of the justice issue in the third Gospel shows that, beyond the identity character, the pauline Gospel of justification by faith inspires the lucan redaction more precisely than what conceded historical-critical exegesis.
Notes et chroniques
- TETAZ Jean-Marc - Hermann Gunkel : l’histoire littéraire de l’ancien Israël entre genres littéraires et pathos de la personnalité
- ROHMER Céline - Chronique matthéenne IX