Articles varia
- VINCENT Jean Marcel - Une confession singulière : « Le Seigneur est Un »
- VOUGA François - Matthieu. Providence et crise
- BABUT Jean-Marc - Les premiers mots de Jésus
- ROHMER Céline - De la parabole au lecteur. Lire Matthieu 13, 1-53
- SINGER Christophe - L’envoi en mission comme grâce. Matthieu 20, 16-20
- GOUNELLE André - La Faculté de théologie protestante de Montauban
Is the well-known Shema (Deut. 6:4-5) the expression of an aggressive monotheism ? Jean Marcel Vincent summons philology, Hebraic epigraphy, the history of Judaism and biblical theology in an attempt to show that theShema essentially bears witness of an experience and a hope in front of the multiple faces of The God of Israel.
How does faith in providence relate to our perception of the present as a time of crisis? Turning to the Gospel of Matthew to answer this question, François Vouga points out that the Sermon on the Mount offers a vision of providence that does not seek to endorse or guarantee a wealthy and stable world order: inviting the reader to « seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness », Matthew promotes an attitude of responsible gratitude preventing the space of spiritual life to be saturated by concerns about food and clothing; his call to rely on providence provides no speculative explanation, but it carries with it the requirement and the promise of a new way of looking at the world with a capacity for both trust and action.
According to the Gospel of Mark, Jesus’s message of salvation proclaimed after John the Baptist was arrested can be summed up by the words: « the kingdom of God is at hand ». In order to better see the significance of the major phrase (kingdom of God), Jean-Marc Babut compares it to its use in other contexts in Marc, in the Q source and in the three other Gospels, coming to the conclusion that the message must have been as astonishing for the first listeners as it is for us now.
The narratives in Mat. 13:1-53 do affect their protagonists, and traces of this impact can be found in the text itself. Céline Rohmer shows how this effect is meant to extend to the reader, and in the process sheds light on how the language of parables functions.
For the churches of Lutheran and Reformed tradition, evangelization at large must face a twofold constraint: the scriptural commandment to teach all nations and baptize them on the one hand and to do so freely and joyfully on the other. In the light of Matthew’s narrative and of its structure, Christophe Singer shows its final pericope to be the very Gospel addressed to the disciples… until the end of the world.
From its creation by imperial decree in September 1808 to its transfer to Montpellier by decision of the Synod of Neuilly in June 1919, the Montauban Faculty of Protestant Theology was for over a century one of the main schools for the training of Reformed ministers in France. André Gounelle argues that – apart from some notable exceptions – the school held rather low academic standards in the years following its foundation but finally succeeded in fulfilling its mission with a respectable level of academic distinction.
Notes et chroniques
- SINGER Christophe - Chronique lucanienne I
- POGGI Colette - Maître Eckhart et Nicolas de Cues. Variations sur les notions d’unité, de création et d’incréé dans la mystique médiévale