Numéro thématique
Articles varia
- BERTRAND Michel - La communication, une histoire sans parole ?
- GIGNAC Alain - L’évangile de Paul selon Agamben ou comment assumer la condition messianique
- REYMOND Bernard - Ernst Troeltsch et la composante non médiatisable de la foi. Une visite de traducteur au coeur de la Glaubenslehre
- RUOLT Anne - Action éducative protestante auprès des enfants des rues au XIXe siècle. L’exemple des Ragged Schools ou écoles du dimanche déguenillées
- NGO NLEND Nadeige Laure - Le christianisme dans les enjeux de pouvoir en pays bamoun, Ouest du Cameroun, hier et aujourd’hui
In this essay Michel Bertrand goes back to the origin of modern communication and analyzes it as having the double function of knowledge and acknowledgment. In the context of the transmission of the Gospel, he regards it as an event of language that cannot occur but through the mediation of human words.
In his commentary of Romans, The Time That Remains, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben explains the concept of « messianic condition », which appears as the solution to the pessimistic diagnosis of a liberal democracy reduced to biopolitics. What does life under messianic condition mean – as a new community, with the standpoint it implies and the temporality it creates ? In this essay Alain Gignac describes how The Time That Remains structures the « messianic », and explores some impacts of this concept on exegesis and theology: salvation temporality, Christian political commitment, community as ekklesia, disabled law and Christology.
Bernard Reymond examines the difficulties of translating the German wordUnmittelbarkeitsglaube – i. e. what cannot be mediated -, in Ernst Troeltsch’s winter course of 1912-1913 published as his Glaubenslehre, and analyzes some major topics of his theology in the light of this concept.
By creating the so-called Ragged Schools (or Sunday Schools in rags), English Protestants developed non-repressive educational devices in nineteenth-century England. Anne Ruolt examines their impact on juvenile delinquency and their links with English and French revivalism.
Located in the highlands of Western Cameroon, the Bamoun country was evangelized in 1906 under the reign of King Njoya, first by the Evangelical Mission of Basel, and then by the Evangelical Missionary Society of Paris. Nadeige Laure Ngo Nlend shows how this Christian minority has found its place in a predominantly Muslim society by its decisive contribution to the preservation of the country’s ancestral heritage.
Notes et chroniques
- NOCQUET Dany - Jérusalem et le Dieu unique. A propos du livre d’Othmar Keel sur « L’histoire de Jérusalem et l’établissement du monothéisme»
- POIVRE Jean-Noël - Manuels de grec du Nouveau Testament
- POGGI Colette - Grammaire élémentaire et pratique du sanskrit classique