Articles varia
- GUIBAL Francis - « Veilleur où en est la nuit ? » (Es 21, 11). Inquiétudes humaines et vigilance spirituelle
- GOUNELLE André - Violence sacrée
- NOCQUET Dany - Les Psaumes et les débats partisans de l’époque du second Temple
- GOSSE Bernard - La réponse des Ps 90-106 aux Ps 88-89 quant à la manifestation de l’amour de Yahvé
- BUTTICAZ Simon - Luc 1-2 : prélude d’un récit tragique ? L’identité chrétienne en dialogue avec Israël
Francis Guibal suggests that Biblical scriptures, among other traditional resources of meaning, might offer helpful answers to the dazzling questions of the present world: if approached in undogmatic readings, faithful to their mystical, ethical and poetical substance, they mirror an adventurous experience of liberation whose wholeness and reasonableness we are to make our own.
Why are religions so often suspected of calling forth and spreading out violence? To answer this question André Gounelle investigates into the very nature of faith which turns fanatic when it refuses its own frailty, the nature of religion which becomes idolatrous or demonic when it claims absoluteness for itself, and the tension between being and non-being in God, which turns love into a conquered violence rather than a mere absence of it.
As a liturgical production of the community of the Second Temple, the Psalms seem to have little to do with history. Yet, their understanding of the political and religious situation of their time reflects a negative view of the traditions of northern Israel and tends to promote a worship centred on Zion in order to legitimize Jerusalem as the very heart of postexilic Judaism. Hence the tendency to see salvation limited to Israel at the expense of the nations. But the Psalms also display an alternative, more universal, understanding of salvation. Dany Nocquet argues that the Book of Psalms thus reflects the debates of the Persian and Hellenistic periods about the place of the individual and the role of Israel in the world, many of the Psalms being added or rewritten in a perspective determined by the Wisdom tradition, the Torah, and a positive picture of other nations, so as to form a literature tailored for the cosmopolitan self-conscience of the Jewish communities of Judah and the Diaspora.
Yahweh’s love for Israel seems to disappear with the tomb (Ps. 88) and by analogy with the end of the Davidic dynasty (Ps. 89). The Psalter responds that Yahweh’s love reveals itself firstly in the praise of the morning (Ps 90:14) and of the evening (Ps. 92:3), secondly in the royalty of Yahweh manifested in the return from Exile (Ps 98:2-3), and thirdly in the outcomes of the alliance with the Patriarch (Ps. 105) lasting until the return from Exile (Ps. 106,45-47). On these premises Bernard Gosse shows that Ps 107 enlarges the scope of Yahweh’s love to the upcoming history.
The purpose of this article is to appraise the hermeneutic impact that the Israelfrage – a storm centre in the exegesis of the New Testament – had on the Lucan Infancy narratives (Lc 1-2). Providing an exegetical overview stretching from Marcion’s ideological purge to Hans Conzelmann’s symptomatic avoidance of the issue, Simon Butticaz discusses these various interpretative models in order to determine what Christian identity Luke’s Infancy Gospel promotes at the opening of his twofold work ad Theophilum.
Revised reproduction from a German article published originally under the title Butticaz, Simon, «Lk 1-2: Auftakt einer tragischen Geschichte? Christliche Identität im Gespräch mit Israel», dans : Infancy Gospels. Stories and Identities (WUNT 1.281), Clivaz, Claire, Dettwiler, Andreas, Devillers, Luc, Norelli, Enrico (éds), Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2011, p. 328-350.
Notes et chroniques
- CAMILLERI Sylvain - L’être et le bien. Relecture phénoménologique (Yves Meessen). Être en danger (Jean-Yves Lacoste)
- CARBONNIER-BURKARD Marianne - L’histoire de toute ma vie. Autobiographie d’un potier d’étain calviniste du XVIIe siècle (Augustin Güntzer)