Articles varia
- ASSAËL Jacqueline - « Ayez créance de Dieu » (Marc 11. 22)
- BUTTICAZ Simon - Actes 3, 1-26. Le relèvement de l’infirme comme paradigme de la restauration d’Israël
- AYROLLES Christiane - Le prologue du livre des Juges : Juges 1, 1-3, 6
- ABEL Oliver - La liberté de se montrer et de se retirer. Réflexions sur la liberté dans un monde technicisé
- CAMPI Emidio - Giovani Diodati traducteur de la Bible en italien
- HERMELINK Jan - Eglise et succès : un couple impossible ? Perspectives relevant de l’économie, du dialogue pastoral, de la systématique et de la liturgique
- GAUCH Dominique - A l’épreuve de l’altérité : un homme, une histoire, un chemin de vie. Une psychanalyste lit les Confessions de saint Augustin
Jacqueline Assaël argues that in the phrases « pistis of God » or « pistis of Jesus », in Mark 11:22 or in the Pauline texts, the translation of the Greek word into the French « créance« , with all its various meanings, allows to maintain the structure of the Greek sentence while it brings to mind the material character of the object of confidence produced by God as the foundation of faith through the words of his promise or the crucifixion of Christ.
The numerous discourses punctuating the story of the Acts of the Apostles do not only aim at retelling the narrated events. Suggesting that their function is to locate the particular episodes in the macro-narrative, Simon Butticaz argues that, in the particular case of chapter 3, the sermon at the Temple raises the healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate to the status of an archetype of the « rising of many in Israel » (Luke 2:34b).
By reading Judges 1:1-3,6 in a unified and synchronic way, Christiane Ayrolles highlights a concentric structure built around a central divine meditation. The prologue thus understood illustrates the consequences ascribed to the loss of the tradition and to the abandonment of YHWH-cohabitation with the Canaanites and ultimately chaos-and gives consistence to the entire Book of Judges.
Can we reasonably expect to overcome the boundaries of our human condition in the name of our political freedom and by virtue of our technical creativity? How are we to understand political freedom-and its ethical or metaphysical corollaries-in a technical world? In this lecture pronounced at the Boğaziçi University of Istanbul in April 2001, Olivier Abel calls for a form of freedom that would not claim to resolve the questions raised by technique, but still comprehend them within the unpretentious frame of a sustainable modus vivendi.
Jean Diodati (1576-1649) was a member of an ancient family from Lucca which left Italy religionis causa and settled in Geneva in 1567. Diodati succeeded to Theodore Beza at the Academy in Geneva and represented the city at the Synod of Dort (1618-1619), where, at the time of the controversy between Gomarists and Arminians, he defended the positions of the most intransigent Calvinism. He was active almost exclusively as translator and exegete of the Bible, which he translated into Italian (published in 1607 and 1642, the second edition being especially remarquable for its philological accuracy and elegance of style), as well as into French (1644). Emidio CAMPI elucidates how Diodati regarded his translation of the Bible as part of an audacious project endorsed also by Jacques-Auguste de Thou, Duplessy-Mornay, and the English Ambassador in the « Serenissima, » Sir Henry Wotton : that of introducing the Reformation in Venice.
The current debate in pastoral theology about the ecclesiological relevance of such economic categories as « competition » or « profitability » reveals a tension between institutional strength and individual freedom. Jan HERMELINK considers this tension in the light of the concept of « success » and argues that the model of the Lord’s Supper provides Church congregations and their ministers with a theological standard of what a successful practice is meant to be.
Being at once a personal story and a theoretical discourse, Augustine’sConfessions display the truth of an ambiguity, of a « constitutive division » (Jacques Lacan). Dominique GAUCH interprets this classic text of the philosophical tradition as the scene of the invention of human subjectivity.
Notes et chroniques
- COTTIN Bettina - Zeichen und Wunder. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge (Werner H. Ritter, Michaela Albrecht, éd.)
- LIENHARD Fritz - Religion. Aspekte ihres Begriffs und ihrer Theorie in der Neuzeit ; Offenbarung, Problemhorizonte moderner evangelischer Theologie ; Kirche, Perspektiven reformatorischer Ekklesiolgie in ökumenischer Absicht (Günther WENZ)