Articles varia
- BRANDT Pierre-Yves - La conversion, retournement ou changement d’appartenance ? Approche psychologique du parcours de Pierre dans l’oeuvre lucanienne
- POHOR Rubin - L’Eglise Protestante Méthodiste Unie de Côte d’Ivoire. Une approche sociohistorique (1870-1964)
- RABATEL Alain - L’arrestation de Jésus et la représentation de Judas en Jean 18, 1-12. Mise en perspective avec l’univers de la gnose dans l’Evangile de Judas
- ZUIDEMA Jason - Le rôle de la christologie dans la pensée de Pierre Martyr Vermigli (1499-1562)
- GRAPPE Christian - Le créationnisme et les données bibliques
Gert Theissen’s recent work on the psychology of early Christianity addresses the issue of conversion. Instead of adopting the models classically used in psychology of religion, Theissen’s approach establishes a contrast between reversal (Umkehr) and change of obedience (Konversion). Pierre-Yves Brandt uses the two approaches to compare the points of view of the Old Testament Prophet, of the Evangelical Christian, and of the sociologist of religion. The concrete case of Peter’s path in Luke’s work allows a testing of the relevance of these various approaches and points of view.
In this socio-historical study of the United Protestant Methodist Church of Ivory Coast, Rubin Pohor examines the factors which have determined the birth and growth of this community and the specific features of its territorialisation model as a religious institution in Ivory Coast.
In this study of John 18:1-12, Alain Rabatel suggests that a reappraisal of the figure of Judas and of the problem of evil are required on the basis of the twofold observation that Jesus himself plays a central part in the process leading to his arrest and that the Synoptic Gospels do not mention the words and deeds by which Judas designates Jesus. Taking in account the portrayal of Judas in the Gnosis, especially the Gospel of Judas, this reappraisal highlights the importance of the formal differences between these two mental universes, particularly the indirect argumentative dimension of the narrative dramatisation of the text.
Analysing the thought of Petrus Martyr Vermigly (1499-1562) in the light of the discussions of the external elements of divine grace, Jason Zuidema shows the Christological consistence that underlies the reformed theologian’s eclecticism, notably in his debate with Johannes Brenz.
The work of the Turkish Islamic propagandist Harun Yahya offers a recent example of how creationism remains appealing to fundamentalist circles, not only in Christianity but also in Islam. Reading Gen. 1:1-2, 4a and Gen. 2:4b-3, 24 both separately and comparatively, Christian Grappe shows that the biblical texts about the creation are not meant to be answers to the question of « why we are here »-as creationism assumes-but to the very different question of « what we are here for. »
Notes et chroniques
- POGGI Colette - Le Mahâbhârata conté selon la tradition orale (Serge DEMETRIAN), Le Râmâyana conté selon la tradition orale (Serge DEMETRIAN) et Le Mahâ-Bhârata. Les révélations,(textes traduits et annotés par G. SCHAUFELBERGER et G. VINCENT)