Articles varia
- GRANDJEAN Michel - Antiesclavagisme et féminisme. Le combat théologique des soeurs Grimké aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1830
- STRICKER Nicola - La dogmatique à l’école du scepticisme
- DERMANGE François - Calvin, aux origines de la démocratie ?
- BOUTIN Maurice - Virtualité et identité. L’identité narrative selon Paul Ricoeur, et ses apories
- CAUSSE Jean-Daniel - La cure psychanalytique : un salut profane ?
- BERTRAND Michel - Qu’est-ce que transmettre ?
- BOURQUIN Yvan - Point de vue et « vision floue » chez Marc
In extending to the cause of women the biblical and theological arguments used in support of black people, the antislavery activists Sarah and Angelina Grimké have played a significant part in the early developments of North American feminism. As an example, Michel Grandjean shows how Sarah Grimké’s Letters on the Equality of the Sexes (1838) castigate the traditions of men and freely display a new exegesis of biblical passages concerning man and woman.
What can dogmatics learn from skepticism ? Starting from the difference between objective uncertainty and subjective certainty, Nicola Stricker’s plea for a skeptical dogmatics draws a parallel between the assertorical approach of dogmatics and the confession of faith.
Calvin has been portrayed both as a theocrat and as a founding father of democracy. Underscoring the contextual diversity of Calvin’s work, François Dermange argues that the Decalogue placed at the foundation of the reformer’s politics is a Decalogue understood and interpreted by the conscience, which presupposes neither biblical revelation nor churchly deeds. Completed with Théodore de Bèze’s idea of a shared sovereignty, Calvin’s position carries the intuition of democracy as we understand it nowadays.
Paul Ricœur contrasts identity as idem and identity as ipse in four different ways. This allows him to contextualize the question who, a central issue in the analysis of narrative identity in its relation to temporality. Change and permanence in time are said to overlap without being synonymous. Discerning here the crux of the problems pervading Ricœur’s analysis of identity, Maurice Boutin argues that he confuses the thematic and the structural dimensions in the argumentation, and that this prevents him from implementing his own goal of moving from semantics to pragmatics.
Can there be salvation without God and, if so, can psychoanalytic therapy be one of its expressions? Considering the case of the French psychoanalyst François Dolto, who was inclined to see psychoanalysis as a secularized sequel to Christian tradition, Jean-Daniel Causse distinguishes four topics around which Christian salvation and psychoanalytic therapy could possibly meet-the importance of belief, the function of the word, the openness to some grace, and the issue of self-acceptance-and evaluates the relevance of the Christian concept of salvation in the light of such classical themes as victory upon sin and death.
Analysing the crisis of transmission affecting contemporary secularised societies, Michel Bertrand argues that transmission requires both faithfulness to a tradition and openness to a process of translation, innovation, and interpretation. The contents of a Christian transmission have thus to be articulated even though faith as existential encounter remains ultimately not transmissible.
Why is the healing of Mark 8:22-26 narrated in the midst of a sequence otherwise dedicated to Jesus and his disciples? From a historical-critical perspective, the significance of this episode in the broader narrative of Marc has been commonly identified as that of an unfortunate interpolation. YvanBourquin suggests that a narrative approach allows us to read it as a story within the story that mirrors the entire narrative of the second Gospel
Notules et Péricopes
- GALUP Patrice - Trois remarques sur la parole dite du « bon Samaritain » (Lc 10,25-37)
- GOSSE Bernard - L’alignement du Psaume 50 sur la rédaction sapientielle d’ensemble du psautier
Patrice Galup analyses three key notions of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37: plêsion, antiparêlthen, and tis.
At the end of Psalm 50, the verses 16 to 23 integrate the psalm into the perspective of an opposition between the just and the wicked that is characteristic of the final redaction of the Psalter. Bernard Gosse shows how such views have been influenced by the wisdom tradition of the book of proverbs.