Articles varia
- BOLARD Laurent - Le paradoxe de l’érudit. Jérôme et Augustin dans la peinture du Quattrocento
- HOUZIAUX Alain - Marie-Madeleine était-elle la compagne de Jésus-Christ ?
- MONTEIL Michel - L’Île de Jersey et les protestants français
- BOUTTIER Michel - Les dits du Royaume dans les Évangiles
- SCHMID Konrad - L’accession de Nabuchodonosor à l’hégémonie mondiale et la fin de la dynastie davidique. Exégèse intrabiblique et construction de l’histoire universelle dans le livre de Jérémie
In the painting of the Quattrocento, representations of learned saints give ample space to writing or to the written word. However, in most cases the writing is neither legible nor intelligible. Laurent Bolard shows that this allows the artist and his patron to highlight the strong elitism which, in Italy, characterized the new forms of devotion, even though, paradoxically enough, these were more widely available to lay people.
Why does the Gospel according Philip describe Jesus and Maria Magdalena as lovers? Alain Houziaux shows that Maria Magdalena is regarded in this apocryphal Gospel as a figure of the fallen Wisdom redeemed by the kisses and teachings of the Son of man. But being no ordinary human lovers, Jesus and Maria Magdalena do not need to recreate, through their physical union, the androgen human being, the primordial Anthropos.
On account of the close links, both cultural and linguistic, which existed between the Channel Islands and nearby French Normandy, Reformed faith reached the Channel Islands, Jersey and Guernsey, before it reached mainland England. Michel Monteil shows that Calvinist practices modeled on the French system existed in these Islands up to the eighteenth century, and that during the persecutions, Jersey played an essential role in welcoming Huguenot refugees, giving a good number of them short term or permanent hospitality.
In order to delimit the various meanings of the Greek word basileia which, depending on the context, can mean kingdom, reign or royalty, Michel Bouttier examines the four themes in relation to which the word is used in the New Testament : Advent, Revelation, Proclamation and Access. A table of the uses of basileia in the synoptic Gospels completes this lexicographical study.
Several texts in the book of Jeremiah subscribe to a theory of universal history which affirms as against the historical facts that the davidic dynasty had ended and come to its theological fulfillment with Nebuchadnezzar’s coming to the throne. Their purpose is to recognize Nebuchadnezzar as a successor to David. Konrad Schmid sees in these texts the most obvious and sustained efforts that can be found in the Old Testament to legitimate, in theological terms, the domination of Israel by a foreign power.
Notules et Péricopes
- NOCQUET Dany - Pourquoi Aaron n’a-t-il pas été châtié après la fabrication du taurillon d’or ? Essai sur les mentions d’Aaron en Exode 32,1-33,6
Why does Aaron go unpunished after the Golden Calf has been made? Dany Nocquet’s synchronic study shows that Aaron remains a secondary character of the story and that only the people venerates the Golden Calf as being divine. The verses which deal with Aaron are not a deuteronomical criticism of the Aaron’s priesthood, coming from Levite circles. They belong to a post-sacerdotal redaction from a late post-exilic period. The position that Aaron occupies acts rather to support the high priestly function which he fulfils already in the book of Leviticus, and allows the theme of God’s presence in the midst of Israel to be introduced.
Notes et chroniques
- COTTIN Jérôme - « Le culte chrétien. Une perspective protestante ». À propos d’un ouvrage récent d’Ermanno Genre