Articles varia
- EBELING Gerhard - La plainte au sujet du défaut d’expérience en théologie et la question de son objet
- GUIBAL Francis - Le Christianisme en partage. Approches philosophiques
- GOUNELLE Rémi - Nestorius dans le dialogue de l’Eglise catholique avec les Eglises d’Orient
- LAMPE Peter - Une Théologie du Nouveau Testament pour athées ? Perspectives constructivistes
The German theologian Gerhard Ebeling died in September 2001, at the age of 89. The present essay has been translated by Colette BRUON and proofread by Fritz Lienhard and Pierre Bülher. It is published for a French audience as an homage to his work and thought.
Even in its ambiguities globalisation offers a new ground of encounter for questions of reason and religious convictions. On this basis, Francis Guibal examines the Christian phenomenon and the tension existing between the passage of Jesus and the proclamation of Christ. Confronting the developments of faith in the field of theology with the questioning repetitions in the field of philosophy, he bears witness to the potential fruitfulness of this spiritual heritage.
Since 1971 the Pro Oriente Foundation has initiated unofficial contacts between Catholic and Eastern Orthodox theologians. At the end of the twentieth century, the Eastern Assyrian Church has also been engaged in such a dialogue. In this paper Rémi Gounelle shows that it is the reason why the condemnation of Nestorius by the Ephesian Council in 431 had to be reconsidered by the members of this Foundation. The final declaration of the Third Syriac Colloquium offers a renewed vision of the troubled period of early Christianity.
Constructivism, emerging after the collapse of logical empiricism, sets the stage for a more open dialogue between atheists and Christian theologians. One of the consequences of constructivism is that the ontological quality of a theocentric construct of reality is not second to that of any other construct, including a natural scientific one. Therefore, the debate about who has the most appropriate picture of reality has to be guided by criteria other than that of ontological quality. On this basis the New Testament doctrine of Christ’s resurrection is discussed by Peter Lampe from a constructivist perspective.
Notules et Péricopes
- BAUKS Michaela - La fille sans nom, la fille de Jephté
- VINCENT Jean Marcel - « Tu aimeras ton prochain comme toi-même » ? LV 19,18b dans son contexte
How can one explain the presence in Holy Scripture of such a cruel story as that of Jephthah’s daughter (Judg 11:29-40)? Various interpretations have been proposed but they all imply that the hero, Judge Jephthah, is to be considered as responsible and even guilty for what happened. Michaela Bauks questions the relevance of this presupposition by replacing the text in its cultural context and by showing that the character of the daughter is of central importance in the story.
The usual translation of Lv 19:18b « You shall love your neighbour as yourself » is not as obvious as generally assumed. This has notably been challenged by Martin Buber. Jean Marcel Vincent reviews philological and exegetical arguments in particular the place given to this sentence in the context of Lv 19 that in conclusion plead in favor of the translation : « Thus you shall love your neigbour, (he) who is like you ».