Abstracts numero 2005/1

Articles varia

  • - Pacifisme et tyrannicide chez Jean Lasserre et Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Première partie : L’établissement des faits historiques
  • French minister Jean Lasserre’s influence on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s evolution to pacifism has often been noted, but no one has yet undertaken an historical and theological extensive research on the subject. In his essay, Frédéric Rognon first gives an account of this both notable and mutual influence and its different stages ; then he tries to discern how it functioned and what was at stake in it. The current article deals chronologically with the factual data of their interrelated biographies. A second article  to be released in the next issue  will examine the question of how to interpret the theological issues they imply.

  • - L’Upright Motive n°1 de Henry Moore : une œuvre chrétienne ?
  • Must we interpret Upright Motive n°1 (1956), also called Glenkiln Cross, as a profane or religious work ? Starting her research with an interpretation of this sculpture based on Moore’s own understanding, Martine Grenier proposes a general discussion about the religious import of contemporary art.

  • - De la séparation et de ses limites dans la philosophie de Hegel
  • Hegelian philosophy proceeds from a conception of separation as that which prevents the consciousness of the All to another conception of it, in which separation becomes indispensable to the working out of the Phenomenology. Bernard Dov Hercenberg focuses on the stages of this maturation and what it leads to. He shows that by becoming a moment necessary in the establishment of principle, separation is made to serve the completion and totality (of knowledge.) This development leads him to probe the tension between a separation that is necessary and a separation that is impossible.


  • - Tillich et l’école de Francfort
  • Terence O’Keeffe recalls the many-sided collaboration between Tillich and the Frankfurt School, in Germany as well as in the United States. Referring in particular to the testimonies he himself received from Leo Löwenthal and Adolph Löwe, he underlines the fact that the ties between Tillich and the members of the school were friendly ties rather than those of intellectual dependence.

  • - Protestantisme et « situation prolétarienne » chez Paul Tillich et Karl Barth
  • Martin Leiner discusses the relationship between Tillich and Barth starting with their common roots in religious socialism, and thus enlightening the centrality of the notion of « positive paradox » in their respective theological systems.

Notules et Péricopes

  • - Christ a-t-il aboli la loi pour réconcilier juifs et païens ?
  • Recent research on Eph. 2:15 has argued that Christ abolished the Law to allow the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles within the Church. Jan Joosten offers here a different view establishing that the reconciliation of the two groups is operated not by the abrogation of Law as a whole but by some of its rules: what is at stake in this passage, he says, could be the limitation imposed on social relations between Jews and non-Jews, in particular commensality. One possible translation would be: « He made the two into one, breaking down the wall that divided them. He cancelled the law of commandments concerning some particular ordinances ».

  • - Quand juifs et païens se mettent à table (Ac 10)
  • The passage of Acts 10-11 enlarged to Acts 8-15 reports the gradual opening of Christianity to non-Jews which entails the question of whether some Jewish practices must be maintained or abandoned. Among those are the laws concerning purity, especially in relation with food. Emmanuelle Steffek underlines that the central point in the debate that can be read in Acts 15 is indeed commensality. Her research is based on a number of clues in Acts 10-11.

Notes et chroniques

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