Articles varia
- ZUMSTEIN Jean - Lecture narratologique du cycle pascal du quatrième Évangile
- GABUS Jean-Paul - L’expérience de l’Esprit dans les réveils religieux protestants (I)
- BEN BARKA Mokhtar - Les méga-Églises ou l’adaptation de l’évangélisme américain à la modernité
- JANUS Gérard - Accompagner des lycéens entre rêves et réalité
Classic exegesis, inspired by historical criticism, has constantly faced considerable difficulties in the interpretation of the Johannine resurrection narrative (John 20). Narrative analysis, in permitting a more precise apprehension of the phenomenon of narration, permits to take away some obstacles (for example, that of source criticism), but also the deepening of the theological understanding of the passage. In a similar way, plot analysis opens the path to a perception of the thematic coherence of the chapter, while character analysis opens a new theological understanding of the resurrection, temporal analysis a clear articulation of John 20 in its connection with the farewell discourses, commentary analysis a reevaluation of the function of chapter 21, analysis of the implicit author, finally, a discovery of the reading contract proposed by the text.
The study is concerned less with the theology than with the experience of the Holy Spirit, as it is expressed by the principal leaders of evangelicals revivals, from Luther to Evan Roberts, nearly always in autobiographical forms. J.-P. Gabus emphazises the very great similitudes, in language and in theological content, which are to be found in these various witnesses, and which have deeply marked the contemporary experiences of the Holy Spirit in the Pentecostal and charismatic movements. But what about similar experiences in non-Christian religious traditions and even in secular contemporary spiritualities ? Could more light be shed on this question by a science or theology of comparative religions ?
In the United States, « Mainline » Protestant denominations have been losing membership since the 1960s, while conservative denominations have been experiencing positive growth rates. Sociologists and theologians have, so far, attributed the success of Evangelicalism to its resistance to modernity. This line of explanation has been challenged by recent research on the rapid growth of « Megachurches », a new style of Christianity. Having their roots in the Jesus Movement, these nondenominational churches are growing because they accommodate the personal needs and cultural preferences of their baby-boom members.
As part of a more general reflection about the social and religious function of chaplaincy, Gérard Janus examines the particularities of the work done by chaplains in secondary schools within the area of France where religious education is provided by the state. He first tries to identify the demands of the students and to analyse the impact of recent social and educational crises on them. He then suggests three possible orientations for protestant chaplaincy : the transmission of a religious culture, participation in moral education and accompanying spiritual growth.
Notules et Péricopes
- LUCIANI Didier - La fille « perdue » et « retrouvée » de Lévitique 18
In a previous issue of the review (ETR 75, 2000/3, p. 415-420), J. Joosten asserted, by making use of categories of greco-latin rhetoric, that the father-daughter incest, though not explicitely mentioned, was implied by the writer of Lv 18. The application of rules of semitic rhetoric and the consequent structural lay-out of the chapter add to these results and also confirm the skill of the writer : by placing the prohibition of father-daughter incest in the very middle of his speech, he combines opposing oratory requirements and succeeds the feat of concealing this delicate issue without undermining its importance.