Abstracts numero 2025/1

Articles varia

  • - Le « bon pasteur », de Sumer à Jésus et au-delà
  • The “good shepherd”, from Sumer to Jesus and beyond

    The figure of the “good shepherd” is a royal image that appeared in Sumer in the 3rd millennium, emphasizing the sovereign’s justice. It was under Hammu-rabi and his successors (18th-17th centuries B.C.) that its concrete consequences are best known: debt remission, property restitution and the freeing of slaves upon the accession of a new king. These measures had an ideological expression that can be traced in Mesopotamia from the 3rd to the 1st millennium. Ideology and practice were extended in the Bible with the Sabbatical year and the Jubilee, Jesus having taken up this legacy. The amnesties linked to the election of the President of the Fifth Republic in France are a distant echo, while the movement to abolish the debts of developing countries, which culminated in the year 2000, is explicitly linked to biblical prescriptions.

    Keywords: Mesopotamia, Bible, justice, royal ideology, abolition of debts, sabbatical year, jubilee

  • - Le milieu carcéral comme dispositif de conversion : histoire et enjeux
  • The prison environment as a conversion mechanism: history and issues

    The role of the prison in the modern social contract was conceived at the time of the French Revolution on the model of the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. In today’s secularised society, some prisoners convert, usually to an established religion but sometimes to violent extremist currents. To counter this phenomenon of radicalisation, it is necessary to rethink the meaning of incarceration, and restorative justice offers a way forward.

    Keywords: Prison, conversion, radicalisation, chaplaincy, social contract, psychiatry, restorative justice

  • - Quelques acteurs de l’évangélisation revivaliste dans le comté de Nice et l’arrondissement de Grasse, 1814-1860
  • Some actors of revivalist evangelization in the County of Nice and the district of Grasse, 1814-1860

    Protestantism did not exist in the County of Nice, then attached to the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia, nor in the district of Grasse before the arrival of the British, wealthy aristocrats, at the end of the 18th century. Their religion is influenced by Methodism. Some British welcome evangelists sent by the Evangelical Society of Geneva whose mission is to “awaken” the populations and educate them. Despite the few religious freedoms granted, the police persist in tracking down foreign Protestants who do not belong to a Church recognized by the State. The agents of the missionary societies thus passed from one side to the other of the border materialized by a river, the Var, until 1860, depending on the harassment they suffered. These Protestant preachers must in no case appear as agitators in regard to Catholicism, while anti-Catholic controversy constitutes an essential aspect of their job.

    Keywords: protestantism, 19th century, County of Nice, district of Grasse, Alpes-Maritimes, Revival, evangelization

  • - Actualité du jeune Schleiermacher à partir des discours sur la religion de 1799
  • The relevance of the young Schleiermacher’s discourses on religion from 1799

    This article analyses the structure of the Speeches on Religion (1999) written by the young Schleiermacher. It concentrates on the Speeches 2, 4 and 5: respectively on the essence of religion, the relationship between religion and social institution, and the plurality of religions. The conclusion tries to show in a critical manner the theological and apologetical actuality of the Speeches.

    Keywords: apologetics, theology, religion, religions, institution, essence, plurality

Position de thèse

  • - La politique de la vertu de John Milbank : un post-libéralisme poétique et social de la société/Église
  • John Milbank’s politics of virtue: a poetic and social post-liberalism of society/Church

    By the politics of virtue, John Milbank proposes a political renewal focused on a democratic ideal of Catholic-style social policy. Our author forms his political opinion from an essentially ecclesial discourse, as ecclesiology takes the place of social theory for him. The thesis successively analyzes Milbank’s poetic ontology, his political theology, and his “politics of the gift of virtue”.

    Keywords: virtue, ontology, poetics, post-liberalism, gift, nihilism, politics, Church, theology, philosophy, reason

  • - L’éthique de Ricœur face aux circuits de la corruption. L’Église comme « communauté éthique » face à la corruption dans le contexte togolais
  • Ricœur’s ethics in the face of corruption. The Church as an “ethical community” faced with corruption in Togo

    This work is structured around Ricœur’s thought, which serves as a compass for a pluralistic ethic and an institutional politics capable of resisting corruption. First suspended, moral judgment gives way to an ethical and political construction. The objective is to build an ethic and an ecclesiology that meet the challenges of corruption. This phenomenon reveals the complexity of the human relationship with good and evil. Deconstructing and reconstructing this relationship, by examining its anthropological, moral, and spiritual layers, becomes imperative. This research takes on that task, providing responses commensurate with this pernicious evil.

    Keywords: corruption, mafia, impunity, ethics, governance, church, capable subject, responsibility, civic behavior, justice, Ricœur


Notes et chroniques