Abstracts numero 2023/3

Articles varia

  • - Le salut par la grâce au XIIIe siècle. Une lecture de la « Vita de Margareta contracta » en regard de Mechthild de Magdebourg
  • Salvation by grace in the 13th century. A reading of the Vita of Margareta contracta in regard to Mechthild of Magdeburg

    Brother John, a 13th century Dominican, wrote the Vita of Margareta contracta, a recluse in Magdeburg, a contemporary of Mechthild of Magdeburg. Margareta’s life is just all suffering. John describes with admiration the spirituality of his protege who develops the idea of salvation by grace alone – three centuries before the Reformation. By comparing the Vita to the writings of Mechthild, we measure even better the singularity of Margareta. References to merit are not absent, however. Are they to be credited to Brother John alone who would have had trouble with Margareta’s overly extreme conceptions? The question remains open.


    spirituality, mysticism, grace, justification, suffering, praise, recluse

  • - La prodigalité divine est-elle gratuite ? Pistes de réponses johanniques sur fond de lecture maussienne
  • Is divine prodigality free? Tracks of Johannine answers on a Maussian reading background

    Is the gift of God free? The article proposes to take up the question of divine gift in an original way by combining exegetical insight into the Gospel of John with socio-anthropological contributions. After recalling the central elements of Marcel Mauss’s work, Essai sur le don (1925), it examines certain texts of the fourth Gospel relating to this theme in order to propose a reflection on the subject and the Maussian triple obligation of “giving-receiving-giving back”.


    gift, donor, receive, gospel, John, condition, God, Marcel Mauss, gratitude

  • - Quelques réflexions sur les concepts de loi et d’élection dans le Talmud, Paul de Tarse et Justin de Néapolis
  • Some reflections on the concepts of law and election in the Talmud, Paul of Tarsus and Justin of Neapolis

    The texts of the Talmud exposed in this study show a complex thinking where Israel is a people that has literally elected itself. It is no longer the biblical God who elects as He pleases but the chosen people who elect their God. Paul recognizes the election of the Jewish people, however the believing pagans also enter the covenant. The idea of substituting one people for another is attested by Justin who, while relying on Paul (notably Ga 4:21-31), extrapolates the concept of election by radicalizing it. The approach chosen is not only historical, in the sense that its purpose is not so much the search for the fact as for the meaning of the ideas and contradictions present within the religious traditions.


    election, people of Israel, Christianity, Paul of Tarsus, Justin of Neapolis, Talmud


  • - Qu’est ce qui se noue avec ce qui nous arrive, comment et pour quoi ? Méditation sur le temps et l’espace
  • The contemporary, exacerbating a feature of modernity, tends to focus everything on the event, always new and in form of criticism of the past, even of any given present. The riches here are those of time, which allows or requires new beginnings. Conversely, one may be inclined to defend the consistency of inherited communities, religious or socio-cultural, whose strength and values should be extended. The riches here are those of precedents and inhabited spaces. In this article, the author argues for an articulation, of time and space precisely. Not in the form of a compromise, but by rethinking what is happening with each of the two terms involved. He thus shifts from reflexes today spontaneous and willingly justified in Protestantism. In the background there is a vision of Christianity as a discontinuous sequence of acculturations.


    present, event, novelty, criticism, protestant principle, time, space, body, institutionalization, kairos

  • - La comparution de Luther à la Diète de Worms : l’histoire et le mythe
  • Luther’s appearance at the Diet of Worms: history and myth

    Returning to the appearance of Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms in 1521, this study makes the distinction between the actual history and the story told during successive interpretations first by Luther, and then by his supporters. The event, which retrospectively became a founding myth of the Protestant Reformation, is approached taking into account the exceptional media conditions of its diffusion at a time when the invention of the printing press allows a multiplication of writings. Its impact is still felt in our own media context marked by the digital revolution.


    Martin Luther, Diet of Worms, history, myth, media

Position de thèse

  • - Émergence et herméneutique du monothéisme à partir de la notion de reconnaissance de l’autre. Un dialogue avec Jan Assmann
  • Emergence and hermeneutics of monotheism from the notion of recognition of the other. A dialogue with Jan Assmann

    The question of monotheism is still relevant, given its link with the phenomenon of violence. According to one of Jan Assmann’s theses – the Mosaic distinction –, monotheism has created a break with other religions through its “emphatic conception of truth” and its claim to distinguish the true from the false. This semantic shift has introduced into history a new relationship to the world and the individual whose repercussions are still felt today. The basis of this thesis is the presence of an exclusivist theology in the Deuteronomic texts of the Old Testament. Yet there are other texts that adopt a theologically open approach. Thus, it is possible to relativize Assmann’s judgment focused on the violent language of monotheism. In its relation to the theological otherness of persons or peoples considered to be outside the community of Israel (in the broadest sense) in the post-monarchical era, monotheism actually leads to recognition as well as ignorance of the other. A more complex definition of monotheism emerges. To think this through, beyond the mere observation of the existence of inclusive or even ecumenical texts in the Old Testament, we can resort to the notions of recognition and contempt respectively in Paul Ricœur and Axel Honneth. Redeploying a hermeneutic of monotheism from the notion of the recognition of the other in the Old Testament frees us partially from the fatality of the rupture caused by the Mosaic distinction.


    monotheism, violence, complex theological identity, theological otherness, recognition and contempt

  • - Dimensions narrative et rhétorique de l’ironie en Gn 37–38.42–44 et Mc 1,1–8,30
  • Narrative and rhetorical dimensions of irony in Gen 37–38; 42–44 and Mk 1,1–8,30

    In a narrative, irony stems from a superiority in knowledge. It is no different with biblical narratives, where many of the plots contain a discrepancy between the knowledge held respectively by the reader and by one or more characters, and often to the reader’s benefit. But how does irony intervene in the narrative device of these biblical stories, and what purpose does it serve? These are the main questions that this research explores, using the methodological tools of narratology, in two very different biblical narratives.


    irony, Genesis, Gospel of Mark, narratology, rhetoric

Notes et chroniques

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