Abstracts numero 2023/1


  • - Les epinoiai chez Origène et la nomination divine
  • The Alexandrian Origen wrote many books, much of which are devoted to Christological developments. In this context, he uses a term that may be borrowed from Stoic discussions: epinoia. In his time, among Christians, this term was mainly used in a theological context by authors who were gradually considered heretics. Origen also uses it in theological discussions and especially to discuss Christological titles and names. Epinoia allows Origen to speak of the multiplicity of titles and names relating to Christ while maintaining his unity and uniqueness. Origen’s words may also have a polemical dimension against other Christians, who sometimes use epinoia as a divine name.

    Keywords : Origen, Gnostics, epinoia, christology, philosophy


  • - Déjudaïser la Bible ? Les hésitations de l’érudition protestante de l’Âge classique devant la littérature rabbinique
  • The history of theology has regularly emphasized the important role of rabbinic literature in the work of Protestant Renaissance exegetes. This use of the Talmud and rabbinical commentaries was far from unanimous within the Reform movement. In recent years, several works have thus highlighted the divisions that arose between Protestants on this subject. However, very few historians have been interested in the consequences of this new historiographic reading grid for the interpretation of the scholarly debates about the Old Testament that animated the intellectual life of the Great Century. This article shows that, far from calming down, these tensions exacerbated and contributed to the discussions from which modern biblical criticism had to emerge.

    Keywords : rabbinic literature, Protestant exegesis, Talmud, Old Testament, Classical Age



  • - Missiologie ou théologie interculturelle ? Un discours théologique sur la Mission est-il encore possible aujourd’hui ?
  • The author wonders about the link between theology and mission from the term Missiology and its understanding as a discipline in a Luthero-Reformed setting. To do so, he proposes a comparative approach by translating and commenting on a key text produced in a German-speaking context on this issue, published in 2005. The manifesto of the German Society of Missiology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Missionswissenschaft) entitled Missiology as Intercultural Theology and its Relation to the Sciences of Religions (Missionswissenschaft als Interkulturelle Theologie und ihr Verhältnis zur Religionswissenschaft) marks a turning point in academic research across the Rhine by introducing the concept of intercultural theology. What are the epistemological challenges of this change? What underlying issues does it raise and would it be transposable into the French-speaking context? This is the object of this contribution based on the original translation of this manifesto, its commentary and some indications on its reception.

    Keywords : missiology, mission theology, mission history, intercultural theology


  • - L’Évangile de l’autoabolition du christianisme et sa réception critique chez Paul Tillich et Paul Ricœur
  • Although they belong to two different generations of the socialist-religious movement, Paul Tillich (1886-1965) and Paul Ricœur (1913-2005) conceived their political commitments in broadly similar theological terms. Their elective affinities are particularly notable in their respective efforts to evaluate the theological significance of the theme of a self-abolition of Christianity in secular society. The author recalls the programmatic formulations of this theme in Richard Rothe (1799-1867) before examining its critical variations in Tillich and Ricœur.

    Keywords : Paul Tillich, Paul Ricœur, Richard Rothe, secularization, theological ethics, theology of culture

  • - Pour une théologie populaire Témoignage et réflexions
  • Based on a reflection on experiences in different theological learning contexts, the author proposes the idea that a popular theology is primarily a gesture, a method. To find a people who do theology, to educate each other to ask legitimate questions and to grasp what is at stake means working on hospitality, craft and imagination.

    Keywords : popular theology, hospitality, craft, populism, universalism, interculturality


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